The instructors include:
Alessandro Bausi, Prof. Dr, Universität Hamburg (classes: Ethiopian and Eritrean studies: history of the discipline; Gəʿəz literature: periodization, genres and typology; Philology / text criticism: history and methodology)
Solomon Gebreyes Beyene, Dr, Universität Hamburg (classes: Working with Gəʿəz historiographic texts)
Antonella Brita, Dr, Universität Hamburg (classes: Gəʿəz manuscripts in context; Scribal practices in Gəʿəz manuscript; Working with Gəʿəz hagiographies)
Marco Di Bella, MA, Palermo (classes: Manuscript preservation: damages, decay and prevention; Manuscript conservation and restoration)
Sophia Dege-Müller, MA, Universität Bochum (class: Beta Esrael manuscripts)
Endris Mohammed, Prof. Dr, Addis Ababa University (class: Islamic literature of Ethiopia and Eritrea)
Sara Fani, Dr, University of Florence (class: Codicology of Islamic manuscripts)
Jacopo Gnisci, Dr, University of Oxford (classes: History and Historiography of Ethiopian Art; Themes and Techniques of Manuscript Illumination)
Alessandro Gori, Prof. Dr, University of Copenhagen (classes: Methodology and basic tools in Ethiopian and Eritrean studies; Islamic manuscript studies)
Susanne Hummel, MA, Universität Hamburg (classes: Working with Gəʿəz hagiographies; Manuscript digitization; Cataloguing: defining criteria and basic tools)
Pietro Liuzzo, Dr, Universität Hamburg (classes: Electronic cataloguing of Gəʿəz manuscripts; Using TEI XML for manuscript cataloguing)
Mersha Alehegne Mengistie, Assoc. Prof. Dr, Addis Ababa University (class: State of the art in the Ethiopian manuscript heritage preservation)
Denis Nosnitsin, Dr, Universität Hamburg (classes: Codicology of Gəʿəz manuscripts; Palaeography of Gəʿəz manuscripts; Working with Gəʿəz historiographic and documentary texts; Amharic manuscripts: form and content)
Michele Petrone, Dr, Université catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve (classes: Islamic manuscripts in context; Field research and manuscript studies)
Dorothea Reule, MA, Universität Hamburg (classes: Electronic cataloguing of manuscripts; Cataloguing Gəʿəz manuscripts: History of cataloguing; Cataloguing theory and stratigraphy)
- Shiferaw Bekele, Prof., Addis Ababa University (class: Ethiopian and Eritrean studies: basic historical facts)