News14 February 2025|betamasaheftFrom the Horn of Africa to Egypt, Jerusalem, and Beyond—and Back AgainJonas Karlsson presents at the Byzantine Studies Workshop at Dumbarton Oaks 19 December 2024|betamasaheftNew appearance: Epistemic Modality in Amharic The monograph “Epistemic Modality in Amharic” by Magdalena Krzyżanowska has been published and will soon be available in bookshops. The book offers...2 December 2024|betamasaheftTEI XML in Ethiopic (and not only) manuscript (and not only) studies2 and 3 December 2024 HLCEES, Alsterterrasse 1, 20354 Hamburg Prerequisites 1. Please make sure that you have studied the following materials in...21 November 2024|betamasaheftCataloguing practices in the Ethiopian and Eritrean Manuscript StudiesMembers of the project take part in the Workshop Cataloguing practices in the Ethiopian and Eritrean Manuscript Studies, Naples, 21-22 November 2024.8 October 2024|betamasaheftEthiopic Hagiographic LiteratureMembers of the project take part in the Workshop Ethiopic Hagiographic Literature, Hamburg, 8-9 October 2024 with 6 papers. Alessandro Bausi speaks on...30 July 2024|betamasaheftCantus Planus 2024Jonas Karlsson presents at the Cantus Planus Study Group 2024 Conference in Gödöllő, Hungary (30 July–3 August 2024), talking on "Melodic families...3 July 2024|betamasaheftGadla ʿƎsṭifānos: The Life of St Stephen, the First Christian Martyr - Religious and Socio-Cultural AspectsGuesh Solomon Teklu attends the International Medieval Congress in Leeds (1-3 July 2024) with the paper on 'Gadla ʿƎsṭifānos: The Life of St Stephen...16 May 2024|betamasaheftVoicing the Mystery: International Symposium on Ethiopic QǝneDenis Nosnitsin takes part in the International Symposium "Voicing the Mystery: International Symposium on Ethiopic Qǝne", Sankt Ignatios College...2 May 2024|betamasaheftField Research in TigrayOn 2-14 May 2024 Denis Nosnitsin conducted a field research in Tigray, Ethiopia, visiting several churches and monasteries in the districts Hahayle...8 April 2024|betamasaheftVisit of Dr Atsbha GebreegziabherOn 8 April, Dr Atsbha Gebreegziabher, the head of the Tourism and Culture Bureau of Tigrai, visited Hiob Ludolf Center for Ethiopian and Eritrean...26 February 2024|betamasaheftIIième Colloque sur les études éthiopiennesOn 26.-27. 2. 2024 the IIième Colloque sur les études éthiopiennes (Cairo) is co-organized by the Société d’Archéologie Copte (Cairo) and the project...23 February 2024|betamasaheftChristian Arab Historiography ConferenceOn 23 February 2024 Dorothea Reule chairs a panel at the 32nd Conference of Arab Christian Heritage of the Societé d'Archéologie Copte dedicated to...8 February 2024|betamasahefteScriptorium TrainingEugenia Sokolinski attends a full-day training of the eScriptorium HTR software. See also the Walkthrough and training materials here.1 December 2023|betamasaheftVerso una filologia digitale. Metodi e saperi a confrontoOn 1 December 2023 Alessandro Bausi presents on “Lo studio dei manoscritti etiopici ed eritrei: il progetto a lungo termine Beta maṣāḥǝft: Manuscripts...30 November 2023|betamasaheftOrganizing field work in a conflict areaThe core of the project Beta maṣāḥǝft: Manuscripts of Ethiopia and Eritrea (Schriftkultur des christlichen Äthiopiens und Eritreas: eine multimediale...20 November 2023|EventsFall School in Ethiopian and Eritrean Manuscript StudiesThe Fall School in Manuscript Studies will take place in Addis Ababa from 20 to 24 November 2023. The Summer School is carried out by the...18 November 2023|betamasaheftInventorying Manuscripts WorkshopOn 18 November 2023, Dr Denis Nosnitsin carried out a hands-on workshop on inventorying manuscripts at Ṭāqot Māryām (East Tigray). It was a response...15 November 2023|betamasaheftInscription Find(guest notice by Hagos Gebremariam, Department of Sociology; Amanuel Abrha, Department of Archaeology and Heritage Management, Adigrat University) ...9 November 2023|betamasaheftPriests and their Manuscripts in the Holy Land and SinaiDenis Nosntsin and Dorothea Reule speak on "Ethiopian Christian Manuscript-Making Abroad: The Ethiopic Collection of St. Catherine’s Revisited " at...9 October 2023|betamasaheftBm at Digital TotalOn 9 and 10 October the project Beta maṣāḥǝft features a poster "Beta maṣāḥǝft: Die webbasierte Kollaborationsplattform für Handschriftenforschung" at...Show all news