Application / registration
Applicants who wish to participate in the Summer School must apply by 5 May 2019.
25 participants shall be selected on a competitive basis from all qualified applications that will reach us before the deadline.
We welcome applications from Ethiopia, Eritrea, but also other African countries, Europe, and the Americas. Provided equal qualifications, applicants from Africa shall receive preference. Female candidates are in particular encouraged to apply.
The selected participants will be notified by 31 May 2019.
(In addition, up to 5 representatives of key local organizations dealing with the manuscript heritage (National Archives; Ethiopian Heritage Authority / ARCCH; Ministry of Culture and Tourism; Patriarchate of the EOTC; Islamic Council) shall be invited to attend classes as guests, without bursaries.)
A commission shall evaluate the applications as to
- The qualification of the student
- The age and nationality of the student
- The expected added value of the participation
- The equal opportunity requirements
The school aims at graduate and post-graduate students as well as young academic professionals who need the skills of working with manuscripts in order to promote cultural heritage management in Ethiopia and Eritrea. Young promising scholars from Africa shall be given preference. Of them, preference shall be given, provided equal qualifications, to female candidates. It is hoped to attract students not only from Ethiopia and Eritrea, but also from other African countries, since manuscript management techniques can be applied to a variety of traditions.
Applicants should send us the following documents (written in English):
- signed application form
- résumé / curriculum vitae (max. 2 pages)
- letter of motivation that illustrates why you wish to participate in the Summer School and what you hope to gain from your participation (max. 1 page)
- a summary of current research / thesis project (max. 2 pages)
- a piece of research of max. 6,000 words (longer submissions will be discarded and may lead to non-admission; the bibliography does not add to the total word count)
- a letter of reference from a professor of your degree programme (if applicable; not older than 2 months old)
Applicants who would like to present their own research to the teachers and participants of the Summer School (15 minute presentation) should also provide:
- the title of the proposed talk
- an abstract of c. 200 words
Please send the documents
- via email to: aethiopistik"AT" (preferred)
- via mail to: University of Hamburg, Hiob Ludolf Centre for Ethiopian Studies, Alsterterrasse 1, 20354 Hamburg, Germany