Application / registration
Applicants who wish to participate in the Summer School must apply by 17 August 2020.
20 participants shall be selected on a competitive basis from all qualified applications that will reach us before the deadline.
We welcome applications from anywhere in the world. Female candidates are in particular encouraged to apply.
The selected participants will be notified by 30 August 2020.
A commission shall evaluate the applications as to
- The qualification of the student
- The expected added value of the participation
- The equal opportunity requirements
The school aims at graduate and post-graduate students as well as young academic professionals who need the skills of working with manuscripts in order to promote cultural heritage management. Young promising scholars from Africa shall be given preference. Of them, preference shall be given, provided equal qualifications, to female candidates.
Applicants should send us the following documents (written in English):
- signed application form
- résumé / curriculum vitae (max. 1 page)
- letter of motivation (max. 1 page).
In your letter of motivation please explain your motivation to take part in the Summer School, specify your relevant background and experience, and describe how participation in the Summer School would contribute to your ongoing/ future research (please be very concrete, with specific examples).
Please send the documents as a single PDF (file size max. 3 MB) file via email to: aethiopistik"AT" . Please do not submit any additional documents without request.