Application / registration
Applicants who wish to participate in the Summer School must apply by May 31, 2016. The selected participants will be notified within one week after the registration deadline.
Applicants should send us the following documents (written in English):
- signed application form
- résumé / curriculum vitae
- letter of motivation that illustrates why you wish to participate in the Summer School and what you hope to gain from your participation
Applicants for the grant should additionally supply:
- letter of reference from a professor of your degree programme (not older than 2 months old)
- a summary of current research / thesis project
- a motivation why a grant should be awarded and illustrate the expected benefits of the grant
- a piece of research of max. 6,000 words (e.g. a research article, a chapter from a BA/MA thesis, or similar)
Please send the documents
- via email to: aethiopistik"AT"
- via mail to: University of Hamburg, Hiob Ludolf Centre for Ethiopian Studies, Alsterterrasse 1, 20354 Hamburg, Germany
Applicants shall be notified of acceptance or non-acceptance by June 10, 2016.
The selected applicants shall be asked to transfer the tuition fee of
- 170€
by June 30, 2016 to the account of the Universität Hamburg:
- Recipient: Universität Hamburg
- Bank: Deutsche Bundesbank
- IBAN: DE84 200 000 00 0020101534
- Reference: 100019597
Participation in the Summer School is only possible after confirmation of payment.
If you cancel before July 31, 2016 we will reimburse the participation fee. Please note that we cannot reimburse the participation fee if you cancel after July 31, 2016.