News (2023)1 December 2023|betamasaheftVerso una filologia digitale. Metodi e saperi a confrontoOn 1 December 2023 Alessandro Bausi presents on “Lo studio dei manoscritti etiopici ed eritrei: il progetto a lungo termine Beta maṣāḥǝft: Manuscripts...30 November 2023|betamasaheftOrganizing field work in a conflict areaThe core of the project Beta maṣāḥǝft: Manuscripts of Ethiopia and Eritrea (Schriftkultur des christlichen Äthiopiens und Eritreas: eine multimediale...20 November 2023|EventsFall School in Ethiopian and Eritrean Manuscript StudiesThe Fall School in Manuscript Studies will take place in Addis Ababa from 20 to 24 November 2023. The Summer School is carried out by the...18 November 2023|betamasaheftInventorying Manuscripts WorkshopOn 18 November 2023, Dr Denis Nosnitsin carried out a hands-on workshop on inventorying manuscripts at Ṭāqot Māryām (East Tigray). It was a response...15 November 2023|betamasaheftInscription Find(guest notice by Hagos Gebremariam, Department of Sociology; Amanuel Abrha, Department of Archaeology and Heritage Management, Adigrat University) ...9 November 2023|betamasaheftPriests and their Manuscripts in the Holy Land and SinaiDenis Nosntsin and Dorothea Reule speak on "Ethiopian Christian Manuscript-Making Abroad: The Ethiopic Collection of St. Catherine’s Revisited " at...9 October 2023|betamasaheftBm at Digital TotalOn 9 and 10 October the project Beta maṣāḥǝft features a poster "Beta maṣāḥǝft: Die webbasierte Kollaborationsplattform für Handschriftenforschung" at...6 October 2023|betamasaheftProject evaluationOn 6 October 2023, the second project evaluation takes place as a full-day event. Various project aspects are presented to the commission by...27 September 2023|betamasaheftEncoding Catalogues: The Beta maṣāḥǝft ExperienceThe panel "Encoding Catalogues: The Beta maṣāḥǝft Experience" was organized by Dorothea Reule and Denis Nosnitsin on 27 September 2023, within the...4 September 2023|EventsSummer School in Ethiopian and Eritrean Manuscript StudiesThe seventh Summer School in Manuscript Studies will take place in presence in Hamburg, from 4 to 15 September 2023. The Summer School is carried out...29 June 2023|betamasaheftEthiopic Historiographical TextsAlessandro Bausi (as Chair) and Denis Nosnitsin (as Chair and Presenter on "Historical writings in manuscripts from eastern Tigray: additional notes...23 May 2023|betamasaheftEthiopians abroad in the Middle AgesAlessandro Bausi presents on "Lost (and Found) in Egypt and the East: The contribution to Ethiopian Studies of Johann Michael Wansleben" at the...5 April 2023|betamasaheftSt Catherine Revisited: A Survey of the FindingsOn 5 April 2023 Denis Nosnitsin and Dorothea Reule talk on "St Catherine Revisited: A Survey of the Findings" within the framework of the...1 April 2023|betamasaheftFlorilegia patristicaOn 1 April 2023 Alessandro Bausi speaks on "The Book of Timotheus and the Patristic Appendix to the Book of the Mystery (1424 CE) by Giyorgis of...31 March 2023|betamasaheftManuskriptkulturen. Interdiszilinär. DigitalOn 31 March 2023 Denis Nosnitsin talked within the framework of the Spring School “Manuskriptkulturen. Interdiszilinär. Digital.” (27 – 31 March...1 March 2023|ConferencesNeapolitan Meetings of Eritrean and Ethiopian Studies 1Alessandro Bausi and Denis Nosnitsin take part in the First Conference in the Cycle "Neapolitan Meetings of Eritrean and Ethiopian Studies" entitled...23 February 2023|betamasaheftThe Ethiopic Manuscripts of Dayr as-SuryānOn 23.2. 2023 Dorothea Reule speaks at the Société d'Archéologie Copte on "المخطوطات الإثيوبية في دير السريان - The Ethiopic Manuscripts of Dayr...4 February 2023|betamasaheftIl cristianesimo etiopico: la storia e la situazione attualeOn 4 February 2023, Alessandro Bausi speaks (via Zoom) on "Il cristianesimo etiopico: la storia e la situazione attuale" within the framework of the...7 January 2023|betamasaheftNew data on the hagiographic tradition of Yoḥannes of WifātIn the course of the latest field research (November 2023) it was possible to collect more data on one of the lesser known hagiographic traditions of...