News (2017)1 January 2018|AnnouncementsGuest FellowIn January and February 2018, Prof Dr Stephen Delamarter is the Guest Fellow in residence at the Beta maṣāḥǝft project. Prof. Delamarter is a...12 December 2017|ConferencesManuscript collections from Christian Eritrea: From cataloguing to text editingMassimo Villa will participate in the Italo-Eritrean Workshop "The Eritrean Cultural Heritage: Facts and Projects" in Naples, 12-13 December 2017, and...6 November 2017|ConferencesRecent Researches on Ethiopian Manuscript CultureAlessandro Bausi gives a lecture on 6 November 2017, at Aarhus University, School of Culture and Society, on Recent Researches on Ethiopian Manuscript...4 November 2017|ConferencesNacht des Wissens 2017The BM project is presented during the Hamburg Nacht des Wissens 2017.19 October 2017|ConferencesManuscripts East and WestA. Bausi speaks on "The state of the art of Ethiopian manuscript studies: a short overview" at the conference Manuscripts East and West – Towards...6 October 2017|ConferencesMeasuring linguistic distance – classifying languagesAlessandro Bausi participates in the Workshop ‘Measuring linguistic distance – classifying languages’, Università di Verona, Dipartimento di Lingue e...25 September 2017|EventsSummer School in Ethiopian and Eritrean Manuscript StudiesFrom 25 to 30 September 2017, the Hiob Ludolf Centre for Ethiopian Studies organizes its second Summer School in Ethiopian and Eritrean Manuscript...21 September 2017|ConferencesThe Coptic book between the 6th and the 8th centuryAlessandro Bausi takes part, as a discussant, in the Conference ‘The Coptic book between the 6th and the 8th century: Codicological features, places...1 September 2017|AnnouncementsGuest FellowFrom September to November 2017 Dr Jacopo Gnisci is the Academy of Sciences in Hamburg Guest Fellow in residence at the Beta maṣāḥǝft project. Dr...1 August 2017|ConferencesBalisage Markup ConferencePietro Liuzzo attends the Balisage 2017 conference with a paper on "Encoding the Ethiopic manuscript tradition".21 July 2017|ConferencesDigital ClassicistPietro Liuzzo and Dorothea Reule present the project with the talk "Issues in the development of digital projects based on user requirements. The case...13 July 2017|betamasaheftTEI-XML Training13-15 July 2017 the Beta maṣāḥǝft project organizes the TEI-XML training workshop, meant for all those working at HLCES and interested in XML...7 July 2017|ConferencesBM at the Day of the German Academies of Sciences (Akademientag)Alessandro Bausi will be presenting the Beta maṣāḥǝft project at the 2017 Akademientag in Heidelberg, Germany, on 7 July 2017.4 July 2017|ConferencesInternational Medieval CongressOn 4 July 2017, Solomon Gebreyes Beyene speaks at the International Medieval Congress (Leeds, 3-6 July 2017) within the framework of the panel...23 June 2017|ConferencesHagiographico-Homiletic Collections in Greek, Latin and Oriental Manuscripts – Histories of Books and Text Transmission in a Comparative PerspectiveAlessandro Bausi and Antonella Brita speak of "A Few Remarks on the Hagiographico-Homiletic Collections in Ethiopic Manuscripts" at the Centre for the...21 June 2017|ConferencesʾAbbā Garimā GospelsOn 21 June 2017, Alessandro Bausi participates at the Table ronde ‘Evangéliaires d’Abba Gärima’ (Sorbonne, EPHE, Salle Gaston Paris (D059), 17 rue de...20 June 2017|ConferencesChristianization process in EthiopiaOn 20 June 2017, within the framework of the workshop Christianization process in Egypt, Ethiopia and Nubia: texts, monasticism and ecclesiastic...19 June 2017|AnnouncementsPlace names in the Chronicle of King GälawdewosThe sub project "Place names in the Chronicle of King Gälawdewos: a prototype geo-annotated text of the Ethiopic tradition" by Solomon Gebreyes...9 May 2017|ConferencesGlobal Philology (Göttingen)Pietro Liuzzo presents the project at the 2017 Global Philology meeting in Göttingen on 9 May 20175 May 2017|ConferencesCataloguing and metadatingPietro Liuzzo speaks of the BM manuscript cataloguing environment at the Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures in the framework of the workshop...More articles